creating beautiful smiles

Composite Bonding

If you aim to enhance your natural smile, composite bonding offers a cost-effective minimally invasive solution. This method utilizes a high-quality acrylic composite material to address dental imperfections, building upon and improving the appearance of your natural teeth.

Why might you need composite bonding?

I suggest considering composite bonding for the following dental issues:

- Chipped or cracked teeth

- Gaps between your teeth

- Uneven teeth

- Worn down teeth

- Stained or Discoloured teeth

What my patients love most about Composite bonding?

1. The treatment can be carried out in one visit

2. It’s painless

3. It’s reversible

4. Can be modified easily

5. It’s cost effective compared to other cosmetic procedures

What my patients dislike most about composite bonding ?

1. It’s prone to chipping

2. It can stain quick and needs more maintenance

3. May need to be replaced more often

What is the dental bonding treatment process?

There are two types of composite bonding: Edge Bonding and Composite Veneers. Before starting the treatment, you'll have the chance to discuss these options with me to determine the best choice for your needs.

Composite bonding is a painless and non-invasive dental procedure, leaving your natural teeth unaffected. This reversible and non-permanent treatment is designed to enhance minor imperfections, delivering a more uniform and brighter smile.



The process involves thorough cleaning and preparation of the tooth's outer surface using an acidic gel, ensuring optimal adhesion of the composite material to your natural teeth.

Before the bonding procedure commences, you and I will collaboratively decide on the perfect color for the composite, ensuring it seamlessly matches your existing teeth. If you opt for a brighter smile through teeth whitening, a professional at-home whitening kit can be provided, typically completed over approximately 14 days.

The application phase involves skillfully applying the composite material to the tooth, followed by shaping and sculpting to achieve the desired look. The material is then solidified using a blue light, firmly setting it in place. The final touches involve polishing and perfecting the composite, resulting in the completion of your transformative new smile.

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